Monday, November 2, 2009

Research Paper Help

Here are some links to help the students with there research papers. The topic idea is due November 12.
This link can give you topic ideas:
This link can help you with scholarly sources:
This is the information we learned from the field trip:

Field Trip

Next class period we will be taking a trip to Missouri State University. We will be going to the library to learn about their scholarly sources that we can use for our research paper. The students will be missing all day. They do not need to bring lunch because we will be eating for free at blair-shannon. They will get to see a little more about college life.
Here is the link to see what will be for lunch: http://


First I would just like to set some ground rules for my blog.
1. Keep things on topic.
2. in everything, be courteous and respectful. Don't criticize others but encourage.
3. Do not call others out for debate.
4. Only students and parents of my class can post on this blog.
5. Keep copyright laws in mind when blogging.
6. Please do not disclose any information that you do not want a stranger to know.
I know that we won't have any problems!


Welcome to my blog! I would just like to introduce myself. I am your students 10th grade English honors teacher. I went to Missouri State to earn my teaching degree. I graduated from there in 2011. I am currently still in school at MSU to get my masters in counseling.
I want to make this year a success for the students and parents. I have created as many resources as I can think of for this to happen. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at anytime. I hope that this blog makes it so that everyone gets their questions answered.